Monday, June 11, 2012

Horrific Car Accident Cars and Bus Get Hit By a Train Ignoring Red Light Signs

The one woman who was 'hurt' here, later died from internal injuries, because it took time to reach her to he hospital, in that tailback traffic. Even one death is sad and does not justify anything resulting from ignorance of not knowing how to follow safety protocols when any ordinary day in our lives, suddenly change forever. And yet, in Bangladesh, road safety education and emergency response is not given much needed attention from the government, there.

From what I have seen countries like India and a like have no safety protocols. I mean watch TV documentaries recorded in India and alike and pay attention to the traffic, they don;t really drive on a particular side of the road, just where ever there is space to drive. It's almost like such countries just have no common sense about health and safety or their own safety, it's like they don't give a fuck about safety.

Correct. But its unavoidable. People need to go from point A to B. But the system offers drivers of road going buses and taxis or pedaled rickshaw operators who are mostly too uneducated to read and understand traffic signs, to follow the rules that are placed. Next, you get the lack of emergency training from the First Res ponders, who are generally not paid enough, and have very basic supplies to counter emergency scenarios. Then, you get the lack of health plan that would enable victims to be rushed to the Nearest Available Hospital where doctors would not care see it fit first to check whether the victim/s can sustain the hospital bills. Next on, you have a strange set of rules which dictates that its necessary for there to be a police accounting of the situation Before the victim can be given first or emergency aid, regardless of how severe the injury on the scene is. Next on, do take into account, that this is a place where it takes two and a half hours to cross a distance by car, in daytime traffic, when it should not take more than 7 minutes. I kid you not, my friend! Further, the traffic lights are are mostly turned off and traffic flow is manually managed by the traffic police. This is a fact. There is a lack of planning in every aspect of the situation, and yes, the concerned authorities in the government are the least bit concerned. And the traffic... its like a river of molasses.
Its a combination of wayy too many factors.
So when we are this far overwhelmed and when all we want to do is get to work through that crap, and back home to rest through that crap, we just carry on with our lives.
To people from the outside, it then looks like no body gives a fuck about safety.
But in reality, the majority of the people on the road don't have a choice here even if they did give a damn. I might know about safety and accident avoidance. But the other guys wont know, and create a drowning situation for me if I tried to save someone. Not that I would not. But I would be overwhelmed alone in the ignorance of the mass behavior.
I tried to answer in a befitting manner to your comment, and now, I must get ready to go to work, driving through this notorious traffic once more. Good day!

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